Knarig Arabshian

"Only mediocrity can be trusted to be always at its best." ~ Max Beerbohm


My teaching philosophy is to actively look for the ways research and education inform one another as I'm a firm believer in their interconnectedness. I try to break down complex research problems into bite-sized chunks for my students to grasp and anticipate what lies ahead. I enjoy teaching introductory courses where I can expose students to Computer Science for the first time. I have also designed and taught a graduate level "Introduction to Semantic Web" course as an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University's Computer Science Dept. I look forward to teaching this course at Hofstra University and offering even more advanced courses in the area of the Semantic Web in the future.

Hofstra University
Spring 2015
  • CSC 015: Fundamentals of Computer Science I in Python
  • CSC143: Semantic Web

Fall 2014
  • CSC 015: Fundamentals of Computer Science I in Python
  • CSC 014: Discrete Structures

Columbia University
  • Fall 2013: Introduction to Semantic Web (COMS 4995)
  • Spring 2011: Introduction to Semantic Web (COMS 4995-2)
  • Spring 2007: Data Structures in C (COMS 3133)
  • Fall 2006: Introduction to Computer Programming in C (COMS 1003)